Interactive Library

Explore our Interactive Library to see photos and videos of legendary pioneers, champions and significant contributors to the sport of skiing in the Intermountain Region. This library includes numerous vintage photos and video clips.

Embedded thumbnail for Calvin "Cal" McPhie
Embedded thumbnail for movitzvid
Embedded thumbnail for Peter Karns
Embedded thumbnail for H. Devereaux "Dev" Jennings
Embedded thumbnail for Alf Engen
Embedded thumbnail for Spencer F. Eccles
Embedded thumbnail for Alan Engen
Embedded thumbnail for Karen Huntoon-Miller
Embedded thumbnail for Darrell Robison
Embedded thumbnail for Raymond R. Stewart
Embedded thumbnail for Melvin (Mel) Dalebout
Embedded thumbnail for Erik Schlopy
Embedded thumbnail for langevid
Embedded thumbnail for Alan Engen Skiing in 1954
Embedded thumbnail for Picabo Street
Embedded thumbnail for Stein Eriksen Ski Footage
Embedded thumbnail for Lyle Nelson
Embedded thumbnail for mcphievid
Embedded thumbnail for patvid
Embedded thumbnail for Marthinius "Mark" Strand
