Excitement continues at the Alf Engen Ski Museum with the installation of our new, one-of-a-kind virtual ski jumping exhibit, “Alf Engen’s Take Flight.” Museum guests personalize the experience by choosing virtual outfits and equipment for their jumps and can select to have a photo of them jumping sent directly to Facebook. As a partner to our Virtual Ride Exhibit, which takes guests on thrilling ski-flying, powder skiing and bobsled runs, our new ski jumping exhibit provides guests with another opportunity to experience yet another snow sport adventure.
A historical collection of jumping skis, boots and trophies from the past to the present rounds out the exhibit. Many thanks to our donors who made this new exhibit possible!!
A “Grand Opening” reception will be held on November 19 in honor of this new addition to the museum. For more information and to make reservations, please contact museum Executive Director Connie Nelson at connie@utaholympiclegacy.com.
Be sure to visit the museum and enjoy the fun and thrills our new exhibits offer!!