Eclectic Foursome to Enter Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame

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Eclectic Foursome To Enter Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame!  Dalebout, Hanscom, Huntoon-Miller, White to be Inducted on Sept. 24
PARK CITY, UTAH –A diversity of disciplines and contributions to skiing will be in the forefront of the 2015 induction ceremonies for the Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame here Sept. 24. The eclectic foursome entering the prestigious Hall consists of:
            • Melvin W. (Mel) Dalebout (deceased), a native of Salt Lake City, he was an inventor and innovator               who developed the first hard shell-encased, form-fitting ski boot, the Daleboot.            • David H. Hanscom, a native of Maine, his devotion, expertise, writing and organizational skills               greatly contributed to the enhancement and preservation of people’s ability to safely                          ski unbounded, particularly in Utah’s Wasatch Mountain Range.           • Karen Huntoon-Miller, a native of Oklahoma and resident of Park City, she helped elevate the              fledging sport of mogul freestyle skiing from the ranks of “hot-dogging” to an art form that               became a popular staple of World Cup and Olympic Winter Games completions.          •  Meeche White, Park City, was co-founder in 1985 of the National Ability Center, which serves              those with physical and/or developmental disabilities through the development of lifetime              skills by building self-esteem, confidence and physical development.
The 14th annual induction ceremony will take place at the Alf Engen Ski Museum in the Joe QuinneyWinter Sports Center at Utah Olympic Park. Activities will begin with a 6 p.m. reception, followed bydinner and the inductions, said Connie Nelson, executive director of the Alf Engen Ski Museum,which houses the 62-member Hall. Reservations must be made by Sept. 14 and cost $85. They canbe made at or by phone at 435-658-4240. According to John Durham, chair of theUtah Ski Archives Hall of Fame Selection Committee, each honoree will receive a glass, framed plaquebearing their likeness and synopsis of their accomplishments and contributions that merit Hall of Fame status. A duplicate plaque will be enshrined in the Will and Jean Picket Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame that was established at the museum in 2002. The Hall is named in recognition of the late ski enthusiasts who lived in Salt Lake City. Durham informs that the Hall of Fame selections are made annually by knowledgeable winter sports historians/enthusiasts from Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Criteria for induction is based on exemplary achievements in the areas of skiing competition, skiing innovations, ski sport development and contributions to the promotion of winter sports in the Intermountain Area. Nominees originate with the public.
Inductees to the Intermountain Ski Hall of fame to date are:           • 2002: Junior Bounous, Zane A. Doyle, Alf M. Engen, Sverre Engen, Karre “Corey” Engen,                        Gretchen K. Fraser, W. Averell Harriman and S. Joseph “Joe” Quinney.            • 2003: Stein Eriksen, Bill Briggs and Axel Andreason           • 2004: Pepi Steigler, “Mayor” George Watson, Suzy Harris Rytting, Bill Lash, Bill Spencer                       and Edward L. Scott            • 2005: Edgar B. Stern, Jr., Neil Rafferty, M. Earl Miller, Lou Lorenz, Keith Lange and                        James R. Gaddis.           • 2006: Marv Melville, Cal McPhie, Dick Movitz, Dev Jennings, Jack Reddish and                        Marthenius (Mark, M.A.) Strand.           • 2007: Ted Johnson, Paul McCollister, Woody Anderson, K Smith, Pete Karns and                       Margo Walters-McDonald.          • 2008: Alvin F. Cobabe, Albert “Sunny” Korfanta and Pat Miller.          • 2009: Richard D. (Dick) Bass, Siegfried (Sigi) Engl, Alan K. Engen and Mike C. Korologos.          • 2010: Peter S. Ecker, Claude F. Jones, Karen Korfanta and Gregory C. Thompson.          • 2011: Kit DesLauriers, William (Bill) Levitt, Raymond R. Steward and Dean Robert (Bob) Theobald.          • 2012: Beat von Allmen, Lyle B. Nelson, Phil Jones, Karen-Budge Eaton.           • 2013: LeRoy Schultz, Dean Perkins, Alan Schoenberger and Dr. Robert Smith.          • 2014: John Aalberg, Wilby M. Durham, Spencer F. Eccles and Harold Seeholzer.